Krill meat | Morskyi Dim

Krill meat is a great choice for enjoying delicious and nutritious meals. On the website you will find a large selection of krill meat for your table.

Krill meat is especially popular for consumption, including in restaurants, and the main reasons for this are the nutrients in the composition (omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, high protein content, etc.), as well as exoticism. For some regions and even cultures, krill meat can be a rarity and often adds a "chip" to a meal. restaurant menu.

One of the main advantages of krill meat is its favorable price compared to shrimp.

You can enjoy quality seafood without spending a lot of money on the purchase. The product also does not require additional preparation (you do not need to remove the shrimp "caps" and cook them before use). With krill meat, you will save the time of your staff and be able to quickly prepare your favorite dishes. Meat can be prepared in many ways: fried, stewed, boiled or grilled. Use krill meat in a variety of dishes, from sushi to poke and salads. It is ideal both for filling and for decorating dishes. This product will add rich taste and usefulness to your dishes.

Order today and enjoy krill meat in your own culinary workshop!