Avocado is a popular ingredient used in many dishes.
"Morskyi Dim" offers fresh avocados and frozen avocados to prepare the best dishes in your establishment. Our fruits are imported from warm parts of the world, pre-sorted with great attention to quality and freshness.
Make guacamole, salads, soups, sushi and rolls using avocados from the Sea House.
This product – universal. After all, avocado can be added to sandwiches and sandwiches, or used in a smoothie to create a thick consistency. Avocados can be used as a side dish for various dishes, especially grilled or barbecued dishes. And even used in desserts.
Buy fresh and frozen avocados from "Morskyi Dim" and diversify the menu of your establishment. And if you need a seasonal menu – contact us! We provide comprehensive services for organizing the work of the establishment and developing a menu for the success of your business. Partnership with us – always profitable!