Asian dipping and dressing
Asian cuisine is known for excellent sauces, dippings and dressings that give dishes a unique taste and aroma. They are used to enhance taste, add juiciness, texture, or to change the aroma and taste of a dish.
Dippings or dipping sauces are intended for dipping pieces of food. The most popular sauce in our range is hoisin sauce: this is a dark, sweet sauce that is often used for Peking duck.
Dressings - sauces for salads and dressings. They are gaining particular popularity both among professional chefs and ordinary consumers.
In «Morskyi Dim» you'll find dips and dressings to go with any restaurant menu. Our Asian sauces are ideal for preparing sushi, wok dishes, salads, and rolls. They add an unsurpassed taste accent and add authenticity to your dishes.
You can be sure of the quality and freshness of the products, as well as order convenient delivery to get all the sauces you need simply and quickly.