Light Soybean Paste Shiro Miso, JS, 100g | Morskyi Dim
Product code: 1988
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Light Soybean Paste Shiro Miso, JS, 100g

Packaging, weight/volume
0,1 kg/pack - 90 packs/box

Shiro Miso JS Soybean Paste has a delicate texture and adds authentic Japanese flavour to your dishes. Made from fresh soya beans and other natural ingredients, our Shiro Miso Light Soybean Paste is the perfect base for soups, sauces, marinades and other dishes.


Water is prepared, soy beans, rice, table salt. The product or its components can cause an individual allergic reaction.

Nutritional value per 100 g

Energy value (calories)837.36 kJ (kJ) / 200 kcal (kcal)
Proteins10 g
Fats5 g
Carbohydrates25 g
Salt4.65 g

Storage conditions and shelf life

Store at temperatures from 0 °C to +20°C  and relative air humidity not higher than 75%. 

Country of origin: China
Type of packaging: Polyethylene bag

*The product may differ slightly from the image on the website.
*The product description on the Internet may differ slightly from the information on the label, as it may vary depending on the manufacturer and type of product. We recommend always reading the information on the product packaging.