This year, the brand chef of our company “Morskyi Dim” Ilya Chervenko participated in the international sushi-making competition "World Sushi Cup 2019", which took place in Tokyo, Japan from August 20 to 22, 2019 and was organized with the support of the Sushi Institute of Japan.
This is a grandiose international competition, in which representatives of 16 countries of the world participated. It is worth noting that sushi masters from Japan are not eligible to take part in this particular competition. There is another sushi making competition for them.
The competition took place in two stages: preparatory and the competition itself, which also had its own stages.
The preparatory stage was filled with various master classes from Japan's leading sushi masters: training in processing and cutting 3 types of fish; training on slicing and chopping daikon; preparing and serving edomae sushi.
The sushi making competition consisted of 3 qualifying rounds:
The first round was divided into two stages. Stage one: slicing and shredding daikon in 10 minutes; cleaning, processing and cutting 5 fish of three types in 15 minutes; cutting and serving daikon sashimi in 10 minutes.
The second stage included preparing and serving edomae sushi in 40 minutes.
Our sushi master Ilya Chervenko became one of the 20 best and reached the final of the World Sushi Cup 2019! Representatives from France, Norway, Russia, Latvia, Portugal, Taiwan, Czech Republic, Brazil and UKRAINE made it to the finals!
There was only one stage in the final of the competition - the presentation of your creative work on preparing and serving sushi dishes.
This year our Ilya did not take a prize in the finals of the competition, and at the same time he proved himself to be a real fighter! His skill and endurance were highly appreciated by the Japanese themselves, and this says a lot, believe me! Ilya became one of the 20 best in the world!
Prize places at Wolrd Sushi Cup 2019 went to:
- Malaysia
- Russia
- Czech Republic
Congratulations to the winners!
Every year the World Sushi Cup is supported by the following brands and companies:
Yamasa (soy sauces and sauces based on it);
Mizkan (rice vinegar, mirin and sauces based on them);
Kinjirushi (wasabi powders and pastes);
Miola (enzymes for sushi rice).
Of course, these world brands are in the assortment of our company “Morskyi Dim” and we are proud that we can represent them in Ukraine.
We have created a whole section of sushi products, where you will find everything you need to prepare them: https: //