Dried seaweed Fueru Wakame, JS, 500g | Morskyi Dim
Product code: 62
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Dried seaweed Fueru Wakame, JS, 500g

Packaging, weight/volume
0,5 kg/pack - 20 packs/box
Country of Origin

JS Fueru Wakame Dried Seaweed is a delicious addition to Asian cuisine. These algae add a unique taste and nutritional properties to dishes. They are easily prepared and added to soups, salads or as a side dish to hot dishes. They also contain many important vitamins and minerals. Try Fueru Wakame dried seaweed to expand your culinary experience and get delicious and healthy dishes.


Dried seaweed Fueru Wakame

Nutritional value per 100 g

Energy value (calories)498.23 kJ / 119 kcal
Proteins25 g
Fats1.7 g
Carbohydrates41.5 g

Storage conditions and shelf life

Store at a temperature from +20⁰С to +25⁰С and relative air humidity not higher than 75%. Shelf life: 12 months from the date of manufacture.

Type of packaging: Plastic bag

*The product may differ slightly from the image on the website.
*The product description on the Internet may differ slightly from the information on the label, as it may vary depending on the manufacturer and type of product. We recommend always reading the information on the product packaging.